The Elite Limousine Privacy Policy

Your trust is important to us The Elite Limousine's Privacy Principles When you use The Elite Limousine’s services, you trust us with your data. We’re committed to keeping that trust, and that starts with helping you understand our privacy practices. Our Privacy Principles set the foundation for how we approach privacy at The Elite Limousine. The Elite Limousine's Privacy Principles When you use The Elite Limousine’s services, you trust us with your data. We’re committed to keeping that trust, and that starts with helping you understand our privacy practices. Our Privacy Principles set the foundation for how we approach privacy at The Elite Limousine. We do the right thing with data. Responsible data management is a prerequisite for continuous innovation. We maintain the value of personal data for taxis and our users by handling data as users expect, keeping it accurate and complete, and properly destroying it when it is no longer needed.

This improves our products, earns and keeps our users’ trust, and differentiates us in the market. We build privacy into our products from start to finish. Privacy is an important component for building world-class products and services, from inception to rollout and beyond. Performing privacy reviews on new and changed products, technologies, and services makes sure they fulfill users’ expectations and forms the bedrock of an exceptional customer experience. This is called “privacy-by-design.” We collect only what we need. We have a specific objective in mind when collecting, using, or handling personal data that is consistent with our objectives and values. We collect and use only the amount of personal data we need for approved and lawful purposes.

We do the right thing We do the right thing with data. Responsible data management is a prerequisite for continuous innovation. We maintain the value of personal data for The Elite Limousine and our users by handling data as users expect, keeping it accurate and complete, and properly destroying it when it is no longer needed. This improves our products, earns and keeps our users’ trust, and differentiates us in the market. Build privacy We build privacy into our products from start to finish. Privacy is an important component for building world-class products and services, from inception to rollout and beyond. Performing privacy reviews on new and changed products, technologies, and services makes sure they fulfill users’ expectations and forms the bedrock of an exceptional customer experience.

This is called “privacy-by-design.” Collect only what we need We collect only what we need. We have a specific objective in mind when collecting, using, or handling personal data that is consistent with our objectives and values. We collect and use only the amount of personal data we need for approved and lawful purposes. Transparent about data practices We are transparent about our data practices. We are forthright about the personal data we collect and how we’re using and sharing it. We do what we say. Give choices We give users choices about their data. We give users clear choices about their privacy and controls that are easy to use so that they can manage their data. Safeguard personal data We safeguard personal data. We provide reasonable and appropriate safeguards to prevent loss, and unauthorized use or disclosure, of personal data. How we use your information Elite Limousines puts transportation, food delivery, and other services at your fingertips. Understanding what data we collect and how we use it should be just as easy. Our Privacy Notice explains in detail what data we collect and how we use it to provide you with a safe and reliable user experience.

We’ve also summarized this information in the charts below. These show for each category of The Elite Limousine users (Riders, Order Recipients, and Drivers/Delivery Persons) the purposes for which The Elite Limousine uses data, and the types of data we use for each purpose.
 How to read this table
means that we use the data for this purpose globally
 * means that we use the data for this purpose localy These charts also indicate the legal basis that The Elite Limousine relies on for each use of data under privacy laws.
 Consent (C) Contractual Necessity (CN) Legitimate Interest (LI) Legal Obligation (LO) uses data, and the types of data we use for each purpose.
 How to read this table
means that we use the data for this purpose globally
 * means that we use the data for this purpose localy These charts also indicate the legal basis that The Elite Limousine relies on for each use of data under privacy . Consent (C) Contractual Necessity (CN) Legitimate Interest (LI) Legal Obligation (LO) Questions from our customers How does Elite Limousines use my location information? The Elite Limousine helps you get where you want to go. This means that location information is essential to our services. We use it to help riders and drivers find each other, determine the best routes, enable users to track their progress and share their trip status with friends, develop new features and services, enhance safety and security, and for other purposes described in our Privacy Notice.

Does The Elite Limousine share my information with anyone?
No We are not sharing your information with any third party or marketing use .